Breastfeeding Must Haves

After 8 weeks of breastfeeding, I've compiled a list of 6 things that have really helped me with first time breastfeeding. I hope you find the list useful whether you are pregnant with your first baby or nursing your fifth.

Haakaa Manual Breast Pump

  • Not only can you hand express your breastmilk into this portable silicone pump, but you can also use it to catch your let down on the breast that you're not nursing the baby on.
  • It's inexpensive! 
  • You can also purchase a lid for it which you should do because I've spilled my breastmilk before and just wanted to die. 
  • Purchase here.

Boob-ease Soothing Therapy Pillows

  • These are natural, gel-free bean bag like pillows that are filled with flaxseeds.
  • My favorite thing about them is that they  can be cooled in the freezer or heated in the microwave. They feel GREAT.
  • They easily fit into nursing bra cups and provide relief for sore nipples, engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis.
  • Great investment, especially for those early days of breastfeeding where your nipples are raw and in pain.
  • Purchase here.

Bamboobies Nursing Pads

  • Who doesn't like eco-friendly washable nursing pads?
  • These pads are made with a soft fabric that feels good on your nipples and you may forget they're even there. When wearing disposable pads you're usually pretty aware of them.
  • These are thin and light weight, however they also make a thick version if you leak a lot overnight.
  • Purchase here. 

Motherlove Nipple Cream

Motherlove Nipple Cream Certified Organic Salve for Sore Cracked Nursing Nipples, 1 Oz.
  • USDA Certified Organic-100%
  • It goes on smooth and provides relief for painful dry/cracked nipples.
  • So natural that it doesn't have to be washed off before baby latches on.
  • It is kind of pricey per ounce, so if you're on a tight budget coconut oil would be more cost effective.

A Lactation Consultant

  • As you may know, not all babies know how to latch well when they come out. Working on a good latch is a MUST because a poor one can cause nipple damage that will make you cringe as baby happily continues eating. 
  • Speaking with an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) can get you and baby off to a good start with establishing your milk supply by helping you with a good latch, positioning, pumping and returning to work and other breastfeeding issues that may arise.
  • They can be found at your local hospital, doctor's office, community health center, and WIC office.

A Breastfeeding Support Group

  • I don't think it matters if it's a virtual group or a group that meets in person. Having a community of other breastfeeding mothers around you IS empowering and can be SO SO encouraging. It   provides emotional support and tips when things are not  going as expected.
  • Breastfeeding can be hard but if we can come together to support one another maybe more and more mothers will choose to do it and persevere through the tough times.  
  • You can find virtual support groups through social media pages like Facebook.
  • Check out Kellymom for support groups in your area such as Le Leche League. LLL is probably the most well known but there are plenty of others including culturally

 I was not paid or given free items in exchange for these reviews.


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